Valborg in LA
It was a long time ago I saw this many sweeds all in the same place at the same time !
Yesterday, some swedish people got together and had a "Valborgs celebration" at Park LaBrea. Very nice :) For one second there, it felt like you were back in sweden. People were bbq`ing, chilled, played socker, just talked and had a good time :)
Yesterday, some swedish people got together and had a "Valborgs celebration" at Park LaBrea. Very nice :) For one second there, it felt like you were back in sweden. People were bbq`ing, chilled, played socker, just talked and had a good time :)

Seabass Me and Robin

Tildzoor and Kevin

Ohh, sorry guys, don´t mean to interrupt..
Youtube Virgin . no more
I just lost my virginity - to youtube !
Tilda were tinkilinki on the piano and I started to put some harmonies on it . Hey, let us do a youtube video ! :D
Tilda were tinkilinki on the piano and I started to put some harmonies on it . Hey, let us do a youtube video ! :D
And it was fun, so I gonna start doing a couple more videos :)
Yesterday, we went to the open mic to watch some friends performing, but then I ended up behind the mic aswell :) Just some improvisation things with a guitar player, but it was fun, so I will be back next week, with some more rehearsed stuff. After that we went to a event/performance at the renaissance hotel, and in a couple of weeks I might be performing there to :)
Now I´m practicing some songs for school tomorrow, then then it´s nightinight!
But check out my youtubechannel and me and Tildas ( ) cover .
Puss !
Yesterday, we went to the open mic to watch some friends performing, but then I ended up behind the mic aswell :) Just some improvisation things with a guitar player, but it was fun, so I will be back next week, with some more rehearsed stuff. After that we went to a event/performance at the renaissance hotel, and in a couple of weeks I might be performing there to :)
Now I´m practicing some songs for school tomorrow, then then it´s nightinight!
But check out my youtubechannel and me and Tildas ( ) cover .
Puss !

Oh, and The crew says hi. Hi !
I feel like I´m falling asleep every second now... puuhh . Long time ago I was this tired.
Been Practising som songs, but now we´re off to watch Michaela and Richard that are playing at a open mic tonight !
Kiss and hugs and love

Been Practising som songs, but now we´re off to watch Michaela and Richard that are playing at a open mic tonight !
Kiss and hugs and love

Birds on the rooftop
Veery tired after a intense but fun weekend :)
Yesterday, me Tilda Arazo and Alex went to a 1 dollar market on Melrose. EVERYTHING was 1 dollar . Crazy!
Kevin invited me, along with some other friends, to a Norwegian Girl named Sandra and her Birthday Celebration up in the Hills. They lived in an amaazing house with a stunning view, at the highest location in the Hills. Amazingly beautiful .
Yesterday, me Tilda Arazo and Alex went to a 1 dollar market on Melrose. EVERYTHING was 1 dollar . Crazy!
It open at noon, and we got there 30 minutes later - almoest everything was gone ! But I ended up with two pair of pants and one shirt - 3 dollar - mjaah, affordable price ;P And then I bought this other dress you see me wear in this pictures. Slightly more then one dollar though :)
Then I got home, met Tylur for a couple of hours, and she helped me with some lyrics to my songs, and then I had to get ready for the evening.
Then I got home, met Tylur for a couple of hours, and she helped me with some lyrics to my songs, and then I had to get ready for the evening.
Kevin invited me, along with some other friends, to a Norwegian Girl named Sandra and her Birthday Celebration up in the Hills. They lived in an amaazing house with a stunning view, at the highest location in the Hills. Amazingly beautiful .
We danced all night (morning) long, met a lot of new nice people, took a bath in the jacuzzi, ate ATE ate and ATE a little bit more af the huge buffe, drank fruity drinks, and just enjoyed a really fun evening with good and fun company! :D When the clock passed 4.30am, and after 10 hours there, we decided that maybe it was time to call the night...:P
Today I had rehearsal with my guitar player, and now I have to do some thing before school tomorrow, and then I can´t wait to get to bed !
Have a good one <3
Today I had rehearsal with my guitar player, and now I have to do some thing before school tomorrow, and then I can´t wait to get to bed !
Have a good one <3
Of course we had to have a little photosession :)

Hard Rock Roosevelt
It´s 3am and I just got out from the shower after a good night with good friends <3
Today I´ve been in school all day. Had vocal tech lesson, and then "Real World" LWP, which I scored 100% on, at all three of them. Always something that cheers you up :)
After school I met Tess and we did some shopping on the Blv :)
Later we went some friends to Hard Rock Cafe, to support some other friends who were performing there tonight, and then Me Tilda Arazo Kevin Robin and Jimmy ended the evening by the pool and lounge area at Hotel Roosevelt. Nice day and evening :)
Tomorrow we´re first going to a 1 dollar fleamarket, then I´m gonna write some music with a friend of mine, and then it´s time for a birthday/pool party up in the Hills. So good night lovely people ! :) Need to catch some sleep.
Today I´ve been in school all day. Had vocal tech lesson, and then "Real World" LWP, which I scored 100% on, at all three of them. Always something that cheers you up :)
After school I met Tess and we did some shopping on the Blv :)
Later we went some friends to Hard Rock Cafe, to support some other friends who were performing there tonight, and then Me Tilda Arazo Kevin Robin and Jimmy ended the evening by the pool and lounge area at Hotel Roosevelt. Nice day and evening :)
Tomorrow we´re first going to a 1 dollar fleamarket, then I´m gonna write some music with a friend of mine, and then it´s time for a birthday/pool party up in the Hills. So good night lovely people ! :) Need to catch some sleep.
Love and Take Care <3

Arazo Tilda and me at the Roosevelt
Here´s some more pictures from last weekends musicvideo shoot
Staring Me Malin Tilda And Charlotte

Staring Me Malin Tilda And Charlotte

Give me some ketchup
Trying to write some new music.
Music and melody are finished til two songs, but lyrics - nada noll zero fukking blanc!
There´s to much shit in my brain right now, and I can´t sort anything out.
Usually when you´re feeling a little bit down, it´s easy to write, and just get everything out, but now - it´s just too much. I wanna say this and that and I´m feeling that and this, but I just end up with nothing. Frustration !
Well, I just got to pray and hope for the ketchup effect - SPLASH, and everything comes out at the same time...
Give me the ketchup ! Anyone !
Music and melody are finished til two songs, but lyrics - nada noll zero fukking blanc!
There´s to much shit in my brain right now, and I can´t sort anything out.
Usually when you´re feeling a little bit down, it´s easy to write, and just get everything out, but now - it´s just too much. I wanna say this and that and I´m feeling that and this, but I just end up with nothing. Frustration !
Well, I just got to pray and hope for the ketchup effect - SPLASH, and everything comes out at the same time...
Give me the ketchup ! Anyone !

Spending my time by the piano
Been in school all day - as usually. Had some classes, fixed and trixed with some classes and then tried to write some music, but everything just became bligjsdhbo mhngvdffvn today ! But oh Well, I think something good will come out of that evntually too ! :)
Tomorrow is another long day, so i will try to catch some sleep soon !
I´m Posting some modelpics Michaela took of me and and my best roommeliiroomie Bastian, a couple of weeks ago ! Check her out on - Michaela Wissen
Tomorrow is another long day, so i will try to catch some sleep soon !
I´m Posting some modelpics Michaela took of me and and my best roommeliiroomie Bastian, a couple of weeks ago ! Check her out on - Michaela Wissen
Have a good day lavvers !

On set - 123 action !
I´m about to fall asleep now, after a very long and veeery fun weekend !!
Yesterday me Tilda and Malin went to shoot the musicvideo with Mando Diao - or their project Caligola. They came and picked us up at 11, and we drove out to New Port Beach, and a big beautiful mansion out there was the location for the shoot.
After craaazy traffic we finally arrived and went directly to the hair and make up.
The scens we were in, took place later on in the afternoon/evening, and we wasn´t finish untill 12.30 am. The last scene we shooted was outside - OMG it was so freezzing coooolllld, especially with barely no clothes on :P
But you got to do what you got to do! So we just had to keep eachother warm between the takes, and then stop shaking and put the smile back on when the camera arrived :D
I really had such a goood time yesterday, and honestly, I don´t care so much about all the time you just sit around and WAIT :P It´s a part of the job, this buissiness/industry, and I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. So yes, it´s long days, you´re tired, cold, hungry, but the joy and happiness it brings you, and how satisfy you feel at the end of the day - makes up for it 100000 times over and over again ! And That´s how I want to live my life every single day :D
We got home at 1.30 am, but don´t think we went to sleep, haha, no no. We went straight to the after party with the band. It was their last night here, so we wanted to hang out with them and say goodbye. When the clock turned 5am, we thought maybe it was time to catch a ride, go home and get some hours of sleep :P
They really are So so nice guys; the band and their crew! And I´m happy I was able to work with them, hang out and got to know them ! :)
Goodnight people !

Yesterday me Tilda and Malin went to shoot the musicvideo with Mando Diao - or their project Caligola. They came and picked us up at 11, and we drove out to New Port Beach, and a big beautiful mansion out there was the location for the shoot.
After craaazy traffic we finally arrived and went directly to the hair and make up.
The scens we were in, took place later on in the afternoon/evening, and we wasn´t finish untill 12.30 am. The last scene we shooted was outside - OMG it was so freezzing coooolllld, especially with barely no clothes on :P
But you got to do what you got to do! So we just had to keep eachother warm between the takes, and then stop shaking and put the smile back on when the camera arrived :D
I really had such a goood time yesterday, and honestly, I don´t care so much about all the time you just sit around and WAIT :P It´s a part of the job, this buissiness/industry, and I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. So yes, it´s long days, you´re tired, cold, hungry, but the joy and happiness it brings you, and how satisfy you feel at the end of the day - makes up for it 100000 times over and over again ! And That´s how I want to live my life every single day :D
We got home at 1.30 am, but don´t think we went to sleep, haha, no no. We went straight to the after party with the band. It was their last night here, so we wanted to hang out with them and say goodbye. When the clock turned 5am, we thought maybe it was time to catch a ride, go home and get some hours of sleep :P
They really are So so nice guys; the band and their crew! And I´m happy I was able to work with them, hang out and got to know them ! :)
Goodnight people !
Don´t have so many pictures on my camera, need to steal some from Malin...So I´ll post more pictures from the day later :)

Me and Tilda On our way in the car

The make-up artists doing their job

Charlotte (another swedish girl we met on set:) Tilda and Malin

Björn Me Gustav and Tilda
This wednesday I went to an audition for the swedish band Mando Diaos new musicvideo, and last night I found out that I did made the cut :D So now I´m sitting with my morning tea and just waiting for them to pick me up, and then we´re off to a fun day !
Love !

Love !

Project chips
Today it´s been raining all day in HollywoodLand...A little cosy though :)
Wednesday and thursday evening we hung out with the guys from Mando Diao and their crew. Really nice and fun guys .
Today I´ve been in school all day long, had performance for 3 hours, fun :D
Tonight our plans got changed, so now me Tilda and Bastian just gonna have a coselicosy night whit chips and watch the moovie Project X :D - My body needs it !
Have a good night !

Wednesday and thursday evening we hung out with the guys from Mando Diao and their crew. Really nice and fun guys .
Today I´ve been in school all day long, had performance for 3 hours, fun :D
Tonight our plans got changed, so now me Tilda and Bastian just gonna have a coselicosy night whit chips and watch the moovie Project X :D - My body needs it !
Have a good night !

At the after Party at Mando Diaos place, we found some of the girls from the swedish reality show "Happiness in LA". Never seen the show, but I´ve heard a lot about it..... here´s Tilda, me and Rebecca

Well, Happy friday people !
Mando Diao MusicVideo
Blue and yellow tonight.
On my way to an Audition for The swedish band - Mando Diao - and their new Music Video.
Remember I saw them for a couple of years ago, live at Töreboda Festivalen :D haha, really great Live and I Really like their music !
Kiss and hugs !

On my way to an Audition for The swedish band - Mando Diao - and their new Music Video.
Remember I saw them for a couple of years ago, live at Töreboda Festivalen :D haha, really great Live and I Really like their music !
Kiss and hugs !

quack quack . Happy chicken to all of you !
The first week of school is finished, and it´s really nice to be back :) Started at 110- immediately, but I like it !
Hard work is good work - and even better results !
I´ve started on some new originals, that soon is finished, only some lyrics that´s left to do..
Tonight we went a couple of friends to Hard Rock Cafe and listened to some great friends performing !
I´ve started on some new originals, that soon is finished, only some lyrics that´s left to do..
Tonight we went a couple of friends to Hard Rock Cafe and listened to some great friends performing !
I´m truly surrounded with good people, amazing friends, love you guys <3
Then we went to a friends appartment and I had a really fun time dancing and just enjoying good company.
Then we went to a friends appartment and I had a really fun time dancing and just enjoying good company.
Fun night !
Tomorrow it´s time for a real swedish easter dinner :D Me and Bastian will make some nice "Prinskorvar" (princesausage;) Yummie !
Happy happy easter everyone ! Love Love !!
Tomorrow it´s time for a real swedish easter dinner :D Me and Bastian will make some nice "Prinskorvar" (princesausage;) Yummie !
Happy happy easter everyone ! Love Love !!

Morning Coffe with Miley
Ahhh, My brain is out of function right now ! To much going on up there at the same time. But positive thinking, positive !
Today when I got home from school I had a package waiting for me in the lobby, which I wasn´t expecting at all.
But it was from my dad, who sended A LOT of sweedish candy! - easter is coming up, and in Sweeden, the main thing you do is eat candy :P haha
And then, the best of it all, I got some items with my beloved little sweetiepie goseesnoos Miley on!
Today when I got home from school I had a package waiting for me in the lobby, which I wasn´t expecting at all.
But it was from my dad, who sended A LOT of sweedish candy! - easter is coming up, and in Sweeden, the main thing you do is eat candy :P haha
And then, the best of it all, I got some items with my beloved little sweetiepie goseesnoos Miley on!
One of the things was a one of a kind coffe cup with Miley on, so now I can see her every day when I´m having my morning coffe :) A few tears did arrive in my eyes when I open the package and saw the pictures of her...:) Miss miss her so much <3
Thank You so much Dad !

leopard on the rooftop
A couple of days ago, me and Bastian had a photoshoot with our lovely friend Michaela behind the camera. She is such an amazing photographer! <3
Some of the pictures are finished, the rest comes during this week :) Check out her and her friends lovely work on - Michaela Wissén
Tomorrow it´s time fo school again! So today, last Day of spring Break .
Have a lovely one !

Some of the pictures are finished, the rest comes during this week :) Check out her and her friends lovely work on - Michaela Wissén
Tomorrow it´s time fo school again! So today, last Day of spring Break .
Have a lovely one !
Here are some of the pictures