Heellooo sweden
It´s 4 am and in about 15 min, the sweetest Ivan is picking me up and we´re off to the airport !
I have 16h of travelling in front of me; But with some movies, food and a pillow, I´m good to go !
It feels very strange to go back to Sweden now...even though it´s only for 2 weeks. I´m super exited and a little afraid at the same time... haha. Don´t know what to expect..
BUT I´m just gonna enjoy these two weeks with my loved ones, write some music and just relax :D
Ready for take off . See ya in Sweeden !!!!!
BUT I´m just gonna enjoy these two weeks with my loved ones, write some music and just relax :D
Ready for take off . See ya in Sweeden !!!!!

Today I was lying by the pool, studying, reeding and just relaxed for a sec. Then I went out, finished some paperwork at school, did some sale shopping, and then back to school againg to look at some friends performing !
When that was done, I decided, that I need two more tattoos !! I´ve been thinking about these two for a long time now, checked out different fonts and stuff. I knew exactly where I wanted them, but was just unsure about I don´t know what... But today felt like a good day ! :D
Oh well, Enough preaching! Have the best one ! <3
When that was done, I decided, that I need two more tattoos !! I´ve been thinking about these two for a long time now, checked out different fonts and stuff. I knew exactly where I wanted them, but was just unsure about I don´t know what... But today felt like a good day ! :D
As long as I can remember, everything that has happened in my life - good, bad and fu**ing awful bad things - has happend for a reason.
It can be hard to se that reason to begin with (I´m still waiting to see it with a few things that has happened) but if you just stop for a sec, don´t panic, just breathe and then keep on walking - You will see that it had a meaning.
Just stay strong and positive and believe. Cause it is tru - What doesn´t kill you only makes you stronger.
Everything happens for a reason and everything has a meaning.
So That is what I got on my upper arm.
For my second one today I wrote smile on my finger.
It´s as easy as it says - just smile. It´s crazy how much a smile can do. It doesn´t mean you have to run around and be happy all the time, and not allowed to be sad, mad or whatever - just remember that smile, it´s one of the moest beautiful thing we´ve got.
It´s as easy as it says - just smile. It´s crazy how much a smile can do. It doesn´t mean you have to run around and be happy all the time, and not allowed to be sad, mad or whatever - just remember that smile, it´s one of the moest beautiful thing we´ve got.
Oh well, Enough preaching! Have the best one ! <3

Atlantic records
I didn´t breathe for 7 hours today. Kind of. This day became crazy bussy, but still I enjoyd every second of it.

I always feel the best when I´m super stressed, and things goes on and on and on. haha, I´m guessing I´m feeling that I´m really doing something meaningful then. Oh, hell lot of I´m.
Started off with taking care of some paperwork for CSN, then off to vocal tech final test, then headed over to the office to complete and correctly write my resume, took care of some more paperwork, another final to turn in and then I ran to a meeting with Atlantic Records.
Started off with taking care of some paperwork for CSN, then off to vocal tech final test, then headed over to the office to complete and correctly write my resume, took care of some more paperwork, another final to turn in and then I ran to a meeting with Atlantic Records.
Right now I´m looking for an music internship, to start next quarter. Either for a Record Label, Studio or some sort of music business company.
Thanks to a friend of mine who is currently a A&R intern at Atlantic Records, I was able to get a meeting with an engineer from Atlantic. #Grateful for beautiful people <3
Thanks to a friend of mine who is currently a A&R intern at Atlantic Records, I was able to get a meeting with an engineer from Atlantic. #Grateful for beautiful people <3
The meeting went well, so now the engineer is going to give my resume to his boss, and then we´ll see if I could get a meeting with him aswell, and hopefully an internship comes out of that !
I´m really exited, cause some of the greatest and a lot of my favourite artists from all times has been signed to Atlantic - such as - Aretha Franklin, ABBA, Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, Dionne Warwick, Phil Collins, Janelle Monae, Skrillex, Jason Mraz, Lykke Li, Christina Perry, Lenny Kravitz and the list goes on and on and on.... !
I´m really exited, cause some of the greatest and a lot of my favourite artists from all times has been signed to Atlantic - such as - Aretha Franklin, ABBA, Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, Dionne Warwick, Phil Collins, Janelle Monae, Skrillex, Jason Mraz, Lykke Li, Christina Perry, Lenny Kravitz and the list goes on and on and on.... !
It would be a blessing and so inspiring if I were able to be even just a slightly little dust bunny to this company!
But we´ll see how everything turns out.
Now it´s bedtime, and tomorrow - more finals !
Nightinight <3
Nightinight <3

American Idol
I love USA and LA - cxcept the fact that it´s impossible to do anything work related if you don´t have the right Visa!!
One of my teachers is working with American IDOL right now, and we were able to submit a video of you singing, send it to him and he would go thru them all together with the Idol jury, and they would handpick 10 people out of the bunch, that was gonna get a VIP audition ticket to Idol, that took place 4 days later. You would have your name by the door, go pass the whole line, do your audition and then you´re finished.
The day after, my techer told me in class that I´ve made it thru the first cut.
If you´re not a US.citizen, permanent resident and allowed to work full time in the states, you´re not allowed to be a contestant in American Idol. It doesn´t matter if you´ve been recommended, handpicked, chosen by the jury or whatever - You need to show ID when you registrar, and if you´re not a US. Citizen - you´re screwed - aka I´m screwed... That sucked big balls.
Citizen Citizen Citizen, aaahhh !
One of my teachers is working with American IDOL right now, and we were able to submit a video of you singing, send it to him and he would go thru them all together with the Idol jury, and they would handpick 10 people out of the bunch, that was gonna get a VIP audition ticket to Idol, that took place 4 days later. You would have your name by the door, go pass the whole line, do your audition and then you´re finished.
The day after, my techer told me in class that I´ve made it thru the first cut.
Later on the same day, I get an email from American Idol, saying that I´m one out of the 10 people that have been chosen to do the audition ! :O
The next day they call me from Idol, and just want´s to confirm that I will be there for the audition the day after, and that I have my name by the door and everything is set up. - "Of course I will be there! BUT, you know that I´m an internationel student, with this kind of Visa? But I can still do the audition, right ?"
The next day they call me from Idol, and just want´s to confirm that I will be there for the audition the day after, and that I have my name by the door and everything is set up. - "Of course I will be there! BUT, you know that I´m an internationel student, with this kind of Visa? But I can still do the audition, right ?"
wooap wooap wooaaaaap...... For some reason, that hadn´t come thru, that I wasn´t US.Citizen.
If you´re not a US.citizen, permanent resident and allowed to work full time in the states, you´re not allowed to be a contestant in American Idol. It doesn´t matter if you´ve been recommended, handpicked, chosen by the jury or whatever - You need to show ID when you registrar, and if you´re not a US. Citizen - you´re screwed - aka I´m screwed... That sucked big balls.
Citizen Citizen Citizen, aaahhh !
Welliweell.... Either way, I´m grateful and happy that the jury liked me and that I was chosen. I can live on that for a while :)
Tomorrow morning I´m going in to the studio to record a track for a friend, then home to study for all the finals coming up this week.
Tomorrow morning I´m going in to the studio to record a track for a friend, then home to study for all the finals coming up this week.
Today I´ve been studyyyiinng, and then went on dinner with Kevin, Malin and Bali.
We ate on a open buffé restaurant... - We almoest had a puke party in the car home..Haha, Good food :D
Nope, now it´s time for bed !
Have a good day, much love

Nope, now it´s time for bed !
Have a good day, much love
Pics from earlier days

Me and some friends went to see the movie "Grease", outside at the Hollywood cemetery, a couple of days ago. Thousands of people!! So cosy :D

Had some friends over for some bbq and drinks. Food, drinks and people gone - except for these lovely bananas!

Me and Ivan !

Ivan and Bastian !
Blue and yellow
Happy swedish day my sweeds !!! Hope you had a good one !
This monday I went to check out the rec. studio to a friend of mine. He´s a great producer and songwriter and it was fun to see what it looks like, where all the work gets done. We listen to some of his songs and even some of mine originals.
Yesterday I got some really unexpected and exited news ! And unfortunately that´s all I can say for now...hehe
This monday I went to check out the rec. studio to a friend of mine. He´s a great producer and songwriter and it was fun to see what it looks like, where all the work gets done. We listen to some of his songs and even some of mine originals.
Yesterday I got some really unexpected and exited news ! And unfortunately that´s all I can say for now...hehe
But I´ll tell you as soon as I can! Right now I´m just happy and surprised I even got this oppertunity:D Welliwell, tell you more soon.
Now - Time for some practise before school!
Love love
Now - Time for some practise before school!
Love love

Lick the stick
Nnever went to Beachers last night, instead we went to the Gay club The Abbey - Me Bastian Arazo Alex and Amanda. Had a really fun time, as always there! Me and Arazo played a little "dare" game too, where we had to do different things to collect points, haha. We got ourselfs some good laughs out of it :P
Today we got up and went to Griffit park for our workout. We walked fast up til the top of the mountain and then run down, and ohh my, that felt in the ass!!! Good workout.
Now I´m taking care of my registration for school, gonna do some eartraining studying and then we´re off to Kevin Malin and Bali, to look at the Swedish Big Brother Final. Gooo Hannaaa!!
Today we got up and went to Griffit park for our workout. We walked fast up til the top of the mountain and then run down, and ohh my, that felt in the ass!!! Good workout.
Now I´m taking care of my registration for school, gonna do some eartraining studying and then we´re off to Kevin Malin and Bali, to look at the Swedish Big Brother Final. Gooo Hannaaa!!

Beautiful Arazo and me

Alex Me and Bastian at The Abbey

Top of thaa woorrlld !
Runyon Canyon
Today we had our workout at Runyon Canyon. So nice !! You get a tan, a workout and amazing wiew. Don´t think it can get any better.
After that I was lying by the pool studying some music theory, and now I´m soon off to band rehearsal.
Love Love

hellooo neighbours

Yogi got exhausted - had to jump in to the backpack !
Simple fool
Late friday evening. So nice to just be home, for once, having dinner with Arazo and Bastian in front of the Swedish Big Brother. Needed!
Tomorrow morning we have a workout at Runyon Canyon with Nancy, then it´s band rehearsal, and after that off to Beachers with Abril !
Did another little youtube video yesterday. A cover of one of my favvo songs - Aretha Franklins "Chain of fools" . Hope you like it.
Have a good day, I´m gonna have a good night seep!
Have a good day, I´m gonna have a good night seep!