Pulled over by the Police, Blood and hurting feet
You know when one thing goes wrong - everything must go wrong - But wrong in a F******Good way :D
Haha, where should I start. Yesterday it was the lingerie Party at Annas place. We started a group of friends at Rich And Clints house, then we took a cab to annas house and joined the party. It was a lot of people and a lot of music, and only 15 min after we arrived the landlord came over and told us to shut everything down, the neighboors wasn´t sooo happy...
Haha, where should I start. Yesterday it was the lingerie Party at Annas place. We started a group of friends at Rich And Clints house, then we took a cab to annas house and joined the party. It was a lot of people and a lot of music, and only 15 min after we arrived the landlord came over and told us to shut everything down, the neighboors wasn´t sooo happy...
But that didn´t bother us, we just moved the whole party to Abril Dani and Davids house! They live pretty far from eachother, so we had to take a cab or drive over there. Everyone took a cab exept for me bastian kevin robin chrille their friend and anna abril david and brook....herpderp..we were 8 people inside of the car and 2 people in the trunk..
Let me give you a little picture: 5 of us was sitting all over eachother in the backseat while chrille was lying on top of us on his stomache with his feet up against one window and his face facing the other window...I know bad idea ..
We were driving, pumping loud music, and all of a sudden, 2 blocks from our destination we hear: ouuiiioouuaaa and flashing lights behind us... Fuck with a huge capital F ! The police had just pulled us over.
They are coming up to the car, and tells us that they pulled us over because we had waaayy to loud music, but now they also see how many we are in the car (if they only knew about the trunk) haha! They are flashing on us with the flashlight and all we can do is just smile and wawe to them. Hahah oh my...
Everything the cops notice being "wrong"- anna and abril - in their underwear- talks their way out of. Hahah, We are just terrified in the back, and quiet as 6 little mouses !
All I can think of the whole time is don´t open the trunk don´t open the trunk!!!
We try to get out of the car, but we are like stuck to eachother, but we menage to get out and tells the cops that we will walk rest of the way- So anna and abril can drive by themself...First they will not let us because where we are right now is a bad neighborhood, BAD!
We try to get out of the car, but we are like stuck to eachother, but we menage to get out and tells the cops that we will walk rest of the way- So anna and abril can drive by themself...First they will not let us because where we are right now is a bad neighborhood, BAD!
But we insist, telling them we´re sorry about everything and then we start walking the last 2 blocks. I don´t think I have to tell ya´ll what I kinda felt like in "underwear" furcoat and high heals in that area...Hahaha. We were walking pretty fast back to their house, that I can tell you!
But all the cops said, were: "Hope you have a good life insurance and we will let you off with a warning this time" Puuhhh, Sometimes it´s good to have some pretty ladies in the car, and lucky us that the two cops were men and young! Hahaha My god...
We made it to the party, had a blessed! - as always with these guys! Bastian were making his awesome moves and falls right into the radiator, and starts bleeding from the eybrow. He looks BadAsss now ;D
We made it to the party, had a blessed! - as always with these guys! Bastian were making his awesome moves and falls right into the radiator, and starts bleeding from the eybrow. He looks BadAsss now ;D
When we are finish partying, we take the bus home - miss our station. Seightsing tour ! My feet hurts bad so I must take the shoes off, and walk home barefoot...Bad idea... But we got ome safe :D
Haha, amazing evening, amazing memories !
Today was The Super Bowl, so we all went to Moods of Norway Stefans house for some BBQ, good company and Super Bowl !
Now I´m sudying and practicing for all the midterms coming up this week.
Another great Weekend just passed by xD
I haven´t got the pictures from the party yet.. Stay tuned !

Me and Michaela !

Abril an Me !


