Junk in the trunk
Today I got up extra early before school and went for a run with Arazo. Was really nice actually !
It was the first day of a little bit different lifestyle..Cause this week we will start working out with our own PT that will come home to us and our gym, 2 times a week and give us a really kick ass work out !

It was the first day of a little bit different lifestyle..Cause this week we will start working out with our own PT that will come home to us and our gym, 2 times a week and give us a really kick ass work out !
We will also have a foodschedule we can go after and cardio exercises. So no more junk in this trunk- it´s time to be really shaped up :D I´m exited !
Today I also got some new modelpics from Michaela. She is such a talented photografer :)
Today I also got some new modelpics from Michaela. She is such a talented photografer :)
Now it´s time to sleep, but tomorrow when we wake up, Tilda will not be here any more :´( Tilda has stayed at our place for about a month now, but now in a few hours she´s going back to sweeden. It´s gonna be empty ! !
Love yah Giiiirrrrl !! <3
Love yah Giiiirrrrl !! <3
Here are some of the pics - Michaela Wissén - You can check out more of her work on www.mawpictures.com
