Stage is home

Two weeks of no school, at least no classes, is now over. Had a great two weeks break !
It has been a lot of rehearsals, gigs, writing new stuff, lazy days by the beach, partying and spending time with good friends.

I also started my internship last week, at a PR agency in Downtown- Solid Gold. Everything goes well so far, and I can NOT complain that i´m now invited to several of different live shows every week around here in LA, when their clients are playing. So I guess it´s time to really discover and listen to some new good bands and music :D

This Saturday I had 2 different gigs here in Hollywood. First I played with my cover band Kiss´n Tell, at Pig ´n Whistle, and as soon as I was finished there I had to run over to Mauis, to sing with Milo and Dirty Minds.
Soo much fun !!! :D

                                                              Kiss´n Tell !

                                                Me and the rocking Dirty Minds

                                          Cheers with Arazo Bastian and Malin

                            Not much, just Bastian Me and Malin chilling in the sand

                                                              Venice Beach



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